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  • What is the Feel Good Film Festival?
    The Feel Good Film Festival is a collection of the world’s best short feel-good films. Launching in our virtual theatre, the festival presents short documentaries from around the world in a 2-hour programme that will leave you smiling from ear to ear. The festival will also offer behind-the-scenes insights into the characters and filmmakers who have made these delightful documentaries.
  • Are all the films comedies/lighthearted?
    The films range from lighthearted explorations of wacky subcultures to heartfelt stories of triumph over adversity.
  • How do I submit a film to the Feel Good FIlm Festival?
    Our FilmFreeway call for entries has closed but if you have a feel good film that you think would work for our festival then we would love to see it! Drop us an email at
  • What films are part of the Feel Good Film Festival?
    We are announcing the full programme very soon. If you would like to be the first to know then subscribe to our mailing list or follow us on social media.
  • Are the films adventure related?
    Some are and some aren’t. Although we have toured adventure films around the UK and Ireland for the last 10 years we have also found films that don’t quite fit into our other tours. So although the films are of the same standard as our Banff and Ocean Film Festival tours, the Feel Good Film Festival features stories from all sorts of areas.
  • Why did you start the Feel Good Film Festival?
    After running various film tours for over a decade we have found that there are always a few films that stand out as audience favourites. The quirky, life-affirming shorts we have shown in the past have always been some of our favourites and we wanted to put together a festival that would showcase these types of films.
  • How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?
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